The Young
Kings &
Mentor Program.
About Us
Founder in 2010, in Brooklyn, NY, The Young Kings Mentor Program was born to help young men navigate schools and their communities.
The "Young Kings" Program incorporates a “Best Practices and Research-Based” approach to social-emotional learning and conflict management strategies through logic and critical thinking applications. The main goal of this after-school program is to decrease student incidences of violent and aggressive episodes in the school and community through group social-emotional lessons that include alternative dispute resolution training, peer mediation, and anger management training.
Program Features
Program Facilitation
Program Evaluation
Awards Culmination Ceremony
15 mins: Student Reflections
20 mins: Meal & Introduction of Session Focus
40 mins: Meal (provided by the program) / Group Discussion on Session Topic / Skill Development / Intra-personal Skills Development
15 mins: Session Close / Personal Affirmation
- Understanding the difference
between negative/positive school
- Dealing with the Dangers of Social
- Problem-Solving techniques
- Effective communication
- Anger Management strategies
- Dispute resolution
- Self-esteem building activities
- Peer counseling techniques
- Image Building
- Exploring feeling through art /
- Anti-Bullying prevention
- School / Personal Pride
*** The Program Can Be Tailored for Each
School's Community and Needs***
State of Delaware Vendor
Supplier Name: Bravin Publishing LLC
Supplier ID: 0000538608
Organizations that have partnered with the Young Kings Program.
The Young Kings Mentor Program originated in New York City and is not working with schools in Delaware. Here are some of the schools and educational providers whom the Young Kings have served.
Milford Central Academy
The mission of Milford Central Academy is to provide world-class instruction to every student,
in every class, every day.
*World-class instruction is defined as a classroom where all students are actively engaged in appropriate and rigorous learning activities where the teacher is coaching and facilitating learning.
Stevenson House Detention Center
The William Marion Stevenson House Detention Center is a lock-secure facility staffed for 55 pre-adjudicated male and female youth under the age of 18 years old. The facility is accredited by the American Correctional Association (ACA), a nationally recognized organization that sets standards for adult and juvenile correctional facilities.
New York City Department of Education
In 2010 -2012, The Young Kings Mentor Program was birthed at Urban Action Academy (High School) in Brooklyn for 2 years
and in 2012 - 2013 was house at MS 534 (Middle School) in Brooklyn
Professional Testimonies
For Mr. Belvin and His Young King Program,
Throughout my years working with youth in various settings, I have found that young men, particularly those from disenfranchised homes and living in poverty need guidance and assistance. Mr. Belvin starts each session by having the young men give affirmations or something positive that has happened to them. For our young men in the juvenile system seeing past their current situation is difficult let alone finding any positives. He uses current and high-interest topics and intertwines them with teaching character and values.
Latoria Banks, Educator, Stevenson House Detention
Dear Mr. Belvin:
On behalf of the men and women of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), thank you for helping us launch our Changing Culture initiative.
In response to the tragic events involving law enforcement and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, our Changing Culture initiative seeks to become a permanent presence within our work environment. Your presentation raised awareness on family communication and the healthiest ways to respond to negative events from a mental and emotional perspective. The content you provided gave our agency’s employees effective tools for crisis response and better work-life balance. I realize it was a challenge to address a nationwide audience when the subject very sensitive, nevertheless, the wealth of information you provided was beneficial to all attendees and their families and exceeded our expectations.
Your compassion and dedication to the exceptional needs community are commendable. Thank you again for sharing your expertise with the ATF community.
Steve Gerido
Assistant Director
Human Resources and Professional Development
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
To Whom it May Concern:
It is my pleasure to write this letter of recommendation on behalf of Mr. Keith Belvin.
Mr. Belvin has been providing services to the youth at Stevenson House Detention Center for the past year on a regular basis. His program has focused on social-emotional learning and leadership skills for our young men. This program has been well received by both our students and our staff members and has been instrumental in changing the behavior of our youth during their stay in our facility.
Mr. Belvin teaches the youth active listening and communication skills in an engaging and thought-provoking format. As active participants, our young men have been able to identify and implement conflict resolution skills that will serve them far beyond this setting. Mr. Belvin is able to confront their behaviors in a supportive and respectful manner, ensuring that the youth are able to learn and grow in a non-judgmental and safe environment.
Mr. Belvin's Young Kings program has been a valuable addition to the programming we provide here at Stevenson House. It offers an opportunity for our youth to engage with a mentor who truly understands the challenges faced by our population, but who refuses to allow the boys to be defined by their current circumstances.
I would highly recommend Mr. Belvin's programming to anyone who is interested in making a difference in the lives of youth who are often hard to reach, but very deserving of an investment in their futures.
It has truly been a pleasure to work with Keith and I will be forever grateful for the difference he has made through his service.